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Maytay Mayek Chart

Maytay Mayek Chart
My Maytay Mayek Chart is based on sound system unlike our typical kok, sam, laay .. mayek

About Maytay Mayek

There are 27 letters and 7 vowel signs used in Maytay Mayek (Manipuri Script) … Don’t be scare, it is not that difficult to learn like other scripts, trust me. (Specially, for the Manipuri speakers). An interesting thing is that maytey mayek writing is completely sound based.

Do you know? In Manipuri (Mayteylon) there are 6 vowel sounds. And 2 semi-vowel sounds which are used in writing.

No doubt I hope, you can learn it very soon... All the Best.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Basic Maytay Mayek Rules "

Some few things we need to consider while writing Maytay Mayek are:

1. Of the 27 letters in Maytay Mayek, 24 are consonants and 3 are vowels. This 27 letters are known as 'Hawyek' or 'Mapi Mayek'. In addition to 24 consonant letters, there are 7 twin consonant letters known as 'Lonyek' or 'Lonsum Mayek'. (See Table 1)

2. Use of 'Lonyek' or ‘Lonsum Mayek’:

Lonyek Mayek (letters) are used at the end of the syllable sound only.

3. Use of ‘Vowel Sign’:

All vowel signs are used with a Consonant letter to form a syllable.

However, Vowel letter

can be used with Vowel Signs to form another Vowel sound.

4. Use of ( _ ) Apun Khudam:

Apun Khudam is used when two consonant letters/sounds need to merge (excluding Lonyek Mayek letters), to form into one single unit of sound. Apun Khudam is marked by a line ( _ ) below the letters .


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